Life in 4 photographs!!!

Read this recently in mail...had to share this with you guyz....very interesting!!

First Pic :

Break of Dawn - New lease of life, embarking upon a New Voyage...
A Child Flying Kite - Young Blood, Aspiring to Fly High with Enormous Zest and Zeal... The sky is the limit...
A Small Tree - Need to Nurture...
Two Birds Hovering Above - There are the people around you to take care of you, nurture, nourish and protect you.

Second Pic :

Daylight - You are almost half-way through the journey of Life
Couple - You have a better half with you to lean on and speak your heart out to.
Grown-up Tree - You have been nurtured to be able to stand tall and rigidly to face the storms which otherwise would have let you down.
Small Tree - You have brought a new life into the world
One bird hovering above - There are comparatively less people around you to take care of you, unlike the wonder years of your childhood.

Third Pic :

Fall of Dusk - Twilight is setting upon... Life has come a full circle.
An Old Man & Aging Tree - It is a race against time now... the beginning of the end of the journey...
Grown Tree - Your kids have grown up... it is time to set them free and support them with love and care rather than clashes.
One Bird - Self explanatory, I guess...
Grave - In the course of the journey, you have lost loved ones and you too start anticipating your ultimate fate and destiny...

Fourth Pic :

Nightfall - Journey has come to an end... Darkness is looming and it is time to bid aideu...
Starry Sky - There is still happiness around... thanks to the good work put in by you and your memories...
Grown-up Tree - Your children are walking in your shoes now; living their lives and drawing inspiration from your life..
Grave With Two Crosses - You are united with your soulmate... you now Rest In Peace...


सौरभ said...

yeah... have seen this before.... indeed its beautiful....

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